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   TLI Membership




   Club Roles






Time required for your report (45 sec - 1min)

Purpose: (This role is not presently used at our club)

To give members a chance to practice skills in giving suitable invocations for any occasion.

The President should ask the members to rise for the reflection. The reflection is used to start the meeting. It is a moment for reflection and should be tied to the theme for the evening. Typically, a reflection should take the form of:

  • "Let us reflect for a moment ........."

  • "Let us be thankful for..."

  • "Pause for a moment to think about ...."

  • or a similar variation.

Before the Meeting:

Prepare a short (45 seconds to a minute) inspirational message to start off the meeting. Keep in mind that not everyone at any particular meeting will follow the same beliefs that you do. Your goal should be to give a general enough message that it will fit with every participants beliefs.

At the Meeting:

Be ready when the Toastmaster calls on you.

Do not acknowledge the President

Ask the meeting participants to stand.

Deliver your message.

Be sure to let your audience know the invocation is over. One way is to end with 'Ladies and Gentlemen, lets reflect . . . ' so that participants know you are finished.

Tips and Traps:

Another way of looking at the moment of reflection (invocation) is as a simple giving of thanks. Keep it short and simple. Also, as mentioned above, attempt to keep invocation as generic as possible so as to include the beliefs of as many people present as possible.

If you are having a special meeting, such as an anniversary or contest, you may include a thought relating to this special occasion.


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