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   TLI Membership




   Club Roles






Other helpful reading: Preparing for the Toastmaster role.

To give you experience in introducing speakers. You act as the master of ceremonies for club meeting. Your goal should be to make the speakers feel as comfortable as possible, to set the stage for the speaker and to bridge between speakers. Your introduction should lead the audience into the speaker's presentation.

Before the Meeting:
Being toastmaster requires that you prepare ahead. In order to be prepared, you should do the following before the meeting:
Obtain from the VP Ed the upcoming meetings roster.
Contact and confirm attendance of all participants and fill in any missing roles. While calling participants, gather material for your introductions of:

  • Table Topics Master,

  • Speakers, (which may include the person presenting an educational session) and

  • General Evaluator.

Preparing your introductions. Remember that the purpose of an introduction is to set up the audience for the upcoming presentation. You are the transition between events. If you are unsure how to prepare an introduction, consult the section in the Communications and Leadership Manual dealing with introductions. Some useful info to gather are obtaining subject and time required for ea speech and obtaining information on how far the scheduled speaker has progressed in the manual. But more importantly gather information that will be relevant to the subject that will be covered by the speaker.
Confirm speakers are present at the meeting and that they are prepared. Advise them of any change in the order in which they will speak. Confirm if they will require any special equipment for their presentation. Lectern present or removed, overhead projector set up etc....
Advise the Sgt@Arms of any change in the roster so that he/she may advise the group at the commencement of the meeting.
Advise the GE of any particular items you wish evaluated on yourself.
At the Meeting:
At the meeting you are the glue that ties the program together. Your role is to explain the format of the meeting, introduce the participants so that the program flows smoothly. Your tasks include:

  • Welcome everyone to the meeting.

  • Deliver a brief explanation of the educational session format.

  • Explain purpose of manual speeches.

  • Introduce speakers and bridge between presentations.

  • indicate timing of speeches to timer

  • Call for a 10 min break

  • Introduce the Table Topics Master.

  • The Table Topics master will conduct table topics session and then return control to you.

  • Introduce the General Evaluator.

  • The General Evaluator will conduct the evaluations and then return control to you

  • Announce the results of the votes for Best Table Topics, Best Speaker, Best Evaluator

  • Ask for comments from our Guests

  • Comments for the good of Toastmasters

  • Adjourn the meeting.

During the meeting:
Will be introduced by the president
Make a few opening remarks on the type of program you are going to present and provide a brief description of your role (especially if guests are present)
Intro Gen evaluator and request that he ask of his assistants to give a brief explanation of their role (30 Sec ea)
Prepared speech portion of the meeting;
Explain the purpose of prepared speeches, Briefly explain the manuals and program,, explain the ballots and evaluation forms.

  • Have the evaluator read the speakers objectives

  • Instruct the timer as to the length of speech and timing light if the evaluator does not state the time to the timer.

  • Conduct a proper introduction for the speakers. Remember you are setting the "mood" for the speaker.

  • Present the speakers in the following manner

    • "Name, Title, Title, Name" Start the applause, remain at the lectern until the speaker has taken control of the lectern (arrives, shakes hands)

  • Allow 1 min between speaker for members to write down their feedback on the evaluation form.

After all speeches are given, remind members to vote for the best speaker.
After all speakers have presented their speeches, call for a 10 min break
After the break, Intro the table topics master. Say a few words about the table topics master and conduct a proper intro. Do not give details about the Table Topic session as the Table Topics master will expand on his function.
Intro the Gen Evaluator
After the Gen Evaluator, present awards (start applause for each award) After the General evaluater, you will

  • Present the awards for the evening

  • Ask guests for their comments

  • Ask for comments for the good of Toastmasters and

  • Close the meeting.

Tips and Traps:
Preparation is the key. If you are not prepared, the audience knows it. Being toastmaster is an important role. Your performance can dampen or enhance the presentations of the speakers. Which you do is up to you.
Making an introduction is the most important part of your role. You set up the speaker, you make him/her feel comfortable, and you prepare the audience. Read the section on introductions in the Communications and Leadership Manual. One tip is to get more experienced Toastmasters to write an introduction for you. They know the need for a good introduction and will be happy to write their own.

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